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Universities and Colleges

UoS Chemistry Interiors 70

Higher Education establishments have played a huge role in our story for over 25 years. Their comprehensive needs, and diverse building landscape, draw on our ever-evolving blended knowledge – shaping nurturing spaces for aspiring minds.

Our blended disciplines have delivered expert support across a wide range of projects, from essential maintenance schemes that keep the day-to-day running smoothly to refurbishments and new builds that enhance the student experience.

1 Team

Our joined-up approach means we can align the right expertise to the right job, from stand-alone disciplines to an all-encompassing team and everything in between. Learn more about our 1 Team.

Contact our Education Team to discuss your project requirements.


Falmouth University Learning Lounges 3
Falmouth University - Learning Lounges Falmouth University Falmouth
Brunel Faraday Halls 4
Brunel University London - Halls Refurbishment Brunel University London Uxbridge
Uo BR Library 2
University of Bristol - Library Refurbishment University of Bristol Bristol
Uo Br Goldney Hall 1
University of Bristol - Social Space Refurbishment University of Bristol Bristol
KK Brunel University Health Sciences 3
Various Universities - Simulation Wards Brunel University London, University of Southampton and University of Winchester Various
University of Southampton B18 Changing Rooms 1
Sports Village Changing Room Refurbishment University of Southampton Southampton
LTM portrait
Various Universities - Estate Wide Long Term Maintenance Surveys Various Universities Various
Winchester University Forensic Lab 40
University of Winchester - Creation of Forensics Laboratory University of Winchester Winchester
Uo BR Chemistry 1
University of Bristol - School of Chemistry University of Bristol Bristol
Uo Bath Founders Hall 1
University of Bath - Roof Replacements University of Bath Bath