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Universities and Colleges

UoS Chemistry Interiors 70

Higher Education establishments have played a huge role in our story for over 25 years. Their comprehensive needs, and diverse building landscape, draw on our ever-evolving blended knowledge – shaping nurturing spaces for aspiring minds.

Our blended disciplines have delivered expert support across a wide range of projects, from essential maintenance schemes that keep the day-to-day running smoothly to refurbishments and new builds that enhance the student experience.

1 Team

Our joined-up approach means we can align the right expertise to the right job, from stand-alone disciplines to an all-encompassing team and everything in between. Learn more about our 1 Team.

Contact our Education Team to discuss your project requirements.


Quotation marks
Excellent The service has been excellent. We couldn’t actually achieve this significant challenge without KK's input, skills and flexibility with our changing demands, and scope.
Queen Mary School of Mathematics 87
Queen Mary University of London - Refurbishment & Recladding of Mathematics Queen Mary University of London London
KK SOAS 071 Foyer
SOAS University of London - Reception Transformation SOAS University of London London
Manvers Street 1
University of Bath - New Student Hub University of Bath Bath
Uo Br Durdham Hall 3
University of Bristol - Refurbishment of Student Halls University of Bristol Bristol
Uo S Chemical Engineering 51
University of Southampton - New Chemical Engineering Department University of Southampton Southampton
UoW Decarbonisation portrait
University of Winchester - Decarbonisation Works University of Winchester Winchester
Uo BR Queens Building 27
University of Bristol - Extension and Refurbishment of Engineering University of Bristol & Willmott Dixon Bristol